Yay spring! Update on our pot lucks We are now meeting at 6pm on Tuesdays in screen room. Calling them real food pot lucks. want to encourage each other to eat healthy, so no junk or processed food please. We hope to do lots of dishes from our garden too ! Can see last post for ideas. If new please text or email 1st to make sure we didnt cancel that week. Can bring arts & craft projects (private or to share to work on ) music instruments welcome too. we have a campfire pit and wood fired pizza oven that is available for use also (depending on help to get it going).
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Real Food Potlucks
We have a passion to not only grow eat real food because of the taste, but to also stay healthy and to heal ourselves when things get going in the wrong direction. We believe food should be as God created (as in a fruit salad vs a sugar cake with heavy processed oils and white flour). There is so many yummy foods out there that most folks are missing that taste amazing and can heal your body vs damaging it! We also believe that a regular diet that involves white sugar, white flour, sodas, sugary drinks, processed oils, ( we use mostly coconut, olive, avocado oils) and processed food in general (hot dogs and the like) is just not good for you.
SO…… the goal in our pot lucks are to encourage each other in healthy eating and to teach and demo new foods and ways to eat healthy. Since there is so many diet plans out there we dont want to exclude ones wanting to eat better but not on a certain plan. So please bring food that avoids the foods mentioned above and is maybe from your garden or Farmers market. Home cooked is usually best if you can along with a recipe if you are able. Some ideas of our favorite locations to look for ideas will be listed.
We will be eating in the screen room and out side of room on one of 3 picnic tables . There are 2 public bathrooms with showers that can be used up behind the shop. Bring swim gear if you want to enjoy the Saluda river when the weather is right. Can also bring your kayak too.
Please bring own water bottle or drink to save us on plastic and supplies
Bring enough to serve your group and a little more
1st Sunday of the Month 1-4 pm or so
We will sometimes fire up the pizza oven too.
Ideas for food to get you thinking….
Lentil soup with veggies
Salads of all kinds (homemade dressings usually alot healthier then store bought)
Any fruit or veggie done any healthy way (roasted veggies is a easy one)
Vegan desert made with cashews and dates
Fruit salad
Meatloaf, poultry and the likes
Homemade crackers and dip (can get so creative here)
Whole grains like sourdough bread
Stir fry
Egg quiche
Fun note Lisa has been a vegetarian since age 15 and Chris likes his meat but luckily we both like healthy food and how it makes us feel !
Short topics and demos of fun food prep, or garden system may be given at times. Bring us some ideas!
Some of our favorite sites for food ideas…
Trim Healthy Mama (love all the sippers and creamy drinks)
Forks over Knives
No grain no pain (Diet Lisa follows mostly as a vegetarian)