WELCOME ! We are glad you are peeking at our little corner of the world. We both believe God spoke to our hearts..”Build it and they will come”…and thats what we have done. Our focus has been teaching folks to homestead, grow and eat real food, natural health and hosting WWOOFers (Volunteer farm help). Come join us here for a visit, rental , craft/ homestead class or pot luck! Love to have you join us.

Gardens by the riverside Numbers 24:6

Real Food Pot lucks

Join us 2nd Sunday of the month open 4-8 (food at 6pm)

Can hang out in river, paint by river at picknick tables, take a garden/homestead tour or just chat before or after food time. Public bathrooms showers up behind shop/ greenhouse area

What is real food you ask? We are trying to teach folks that cooking from scratch can be healthier and cheaper and can still be yummy.

Chris and I are personally following the Super gut diet By Dr Davis (who also wrote Wheat belly diet and Undoctored.





Some simple ideas are

Baked squash or other roasted veggies with olive oil or butter and sprinkle of healthy salt and maybe herbs

Salad with healthy dressing


Homemade soup

Sourdough bread

Healthy Meat, chicken, fish (says the vegetarian lol )

Healthier grains like Quinoa or rice

Stir fried veggies

Cultured food veggies, plain yogurt etc

NOTE we may have wood fired pizza if someone is around to help get oven going and make dough.

Please RSVP Lisa at 704-756-2532 with text if coming so I know which room to set up in. Will plan to do meeting rooms by the river but if a small group might do our house esp. in winter due to already warm.

Take me to the river…