About us

Chris and Lisa Aman
120 Barbrey Drive
Easley , SC 29640
704-756-2532 Lisa
704-819-1400 Chris

Chris and Lisa Aman moved to this 1 acre fixer-upper shortly after getting married in 2004 located on the Saluda river in Pickens county. . After ALOT of work and buying more attached land we are now homesteading about 10 acres with many gardens, grow systems, 2 greenhouses and animals of all kinds that have lived here over the years. (Mini horses, mini donkeys, turkeys, peacocks, ducks, chickens, gunnies, rabbits, cats and goats.) It’s always changing which keeps it interesting.

Chris is a builder /fixer of about everything. From semis, airplanes, race cars to even chicken tractors (that Lisa talked him into). He was a owner /operator of a Nascar modified race car (before He and Lisa met at church) and also enjoyed go cart racing before that. His current passion is snowmobiling and just did over 1000 miles this winter at age 61. (Lisa was done for the season after 300 miles ). Chris is the builder of most of the buildings decks, landscaping, skid steer work and planning what to do next. He can also build furniture and has a large shop which includes it all along with welding. Flipping houses and adding on just comes natural since he grew up on a farm in Upstate NY and is use to getting it done! Lisa thinks he owns every tool there is but he isn’t convinced of that .

Lisa is Mom to 4 grown children (3 boys then a girl born at home on her birth day weighing 10 lbs 14 oz !) So far 7 grandkids have come along. She has been a Lic Midwife in SC since 1985 and her Lic is #1! (newly retired from active practice after 37 yrs). She developed and still heads up www.Midwifetobe.com & www.Doulatobe.com training course for others to get their Midwife Lic. and has led many Midwife student trips to Albania,Uganda, Haiti and the Dominican Republic since 2006 to help out in L&D in public hospitals. She also developed a International Midwife program too. She leads a free sewing group 4 miles from the homestead that sews dresses for the poor, blankets for the homeless and other fun projects. she has way more projects then she has time for planed but loves to recycle all things, garden, discover and do new grow systems, eat/ cook healthy food and teach others.

Together they host renters, campers , healthy food pot lucks, church groups and give tours of the property and garden systems here. They thing that more folks should be growing their own food and eating real food vs things that make your health go in reverse. They have taken in relatives at the end of life and have been glad to help that process in a peaceful location here. Now in retirement we are busier then ever :-)! In fact retirement isn’t in the Bible so we are just carrying on as we always have maybe just a tad bit slower. I am betting some more mission trips will be in the works again someday too.

Chris and Lisa out on the town in Greenville SC

Take me to the river…